- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Service pour pipette
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Service pour pipette
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Centrifugeuses de paillasse
- Centrifugeuses au sol
- Centrifugeuses réfrigérées
- Microcentrifugeuses
- Centrifugeuses multi-fonctions
- Centrifugeuses haute vitesse
- Ultracentrifugeuses
- Concentrateur
- High-Speed and Ultracentrifugation Consumables
- Accessoires
- Tubes
- Plaques
- Gestion des appareils
- Gestion des échantillons et des informations
- Produits IVD
Eppendorf wins Fisher Scientific Sustainability Award 2023
Our sales partner Thermo Fisher Scientific in Europe as well as in America honored Eppendorf with the Sustainability Award 2023.
We are proud to be rewarded for our broad range of sustainability activities like science-based climate goals, an already significantly reduced carbon footprint (in our own operations), a growing number of ACT labels in most of our product groups, innovative biobased lab consumables , and 100% green electricity in most1) of our production facilities. In addition to the “Trusted Sustainability Partner” declaration of Fisher, the award encourages us to continue our sustainability journey.
Want to read more about our sustainability actvities?
Visit our Sustainability Hub here
1) Except one facility in Japan and one facility in China
Want to read more about our sustainability actvities?
Visit our Sustainability Hub here
1) Except one facility in Japan and one facility in China
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